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We would like to introduce the Roman Way Supporters (RWS).  We are your PTA.  As a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) our mission is to support the school, the staff and, most importantly, the children in our school community.

As we all know, "it takes a village to raise a child", and to do so we encourage you to consider volunteering at our events and participating in our meetings - whether it be donating cakes for a cake stall, manning a stall at the summer fair for an hour, being part of a team for an event, - volunteering comes in all shapes and sizes, and we are grateful for any time you are able to offer.

We hold PTA meetings once a term, organise fundraising events, apply for grants and sponsor events such as the school Christmas pantomime, Year 4 leavers party, whole school swimming parties, and much more.

Some of our recent successful events have been an Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Fair, Race Night, Quiz Night, Boogie and Bounce, to name but a few.

In 2022-2023 we raised over £10k through fundraising events and grant applications, which went towards the new Woodland Area at the back of the school, new scooter racks at the front of the school, new books for the Phonics system and the annual activities.

The aim for fundraising in 2023-2024 is for books for the new school library and an outdoor classroom, as well as the usual annual sponsored activities.

As parents first and foremost, we understand how busy life can be and appreciate any time and support you give.