Owls Weekly Updates (Nursery)
Nursery have been learning about farm animals and what a farmer must do to look after their animals. We have been looking at information books about farming and about each farm animal. We have been thinking about how to care for the different farm animals and we have been making connections to our own lives e.g. what we eat, what we drink and where we sleep. What is the same and what is different?
We made a bed out of straw and the children had an opportunity to feel the straw and experience laying down on it. They all decided that the straw was too spikey and stuck to their skin. They said they like their cosy bed.
We have been learning the Makaton signs for various farm animals. We have been using the signs to sing
I went to visit a farm one day - BBC Teach. We watched and copied Mr Tumble use the Makaton signs.
Bing Videos. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning the signs.
As part of our foundation for phonics we have been learning to orally blend words. Oral blending is when a word is broken up into sounds. The children then hear the sounds and blend the sounds together to say the word. We have been learning to orally blend farm animal names e.g. p-i-g/sh-ee-p/c-ow. We have also had fun playing with words and making animal noises.
In maths we have continued to match numerals to quantities as well as using farm animals to copy and continue a simple pattern.