Otters and Robins Weekly Updates (Reception)
Summer 1 - week beg. 29.4.24
The sun shone on Tuesday, which was incredibly fortunate as it was Reception's first swimming lesson in our outdoor pool! There was a mixture of excitement and trepidation as the three groups ventured across the playground to meet their swimming teacher, Claire. After getting changed, she introduced them to the safety rules and fitted them with their arm floats before they all bravely climbed into the pool. Every child joined in the lesson and there were smiles all round. With two adults in the pool and buoyed by their floats, their confidence grew and now, every morning, the first question asked of us is: 'Is it swimming today?'
Also, this week, in our literacy lessons, we have been looking through the book, 'Yucky Worms' by Vivian French. This picture book is a fantastic mix of a fictional story about a boy and his Gran who find lots of wriggly worms when gardening and a non-fiction book with lots of interesting facts. At the beginning of the week, we asked the children to create a 'Scale of Yickineess'. They positioned themselves in a line depending on how they felt about worms. We then learnt all about worms and wrote some facts. Did you know that worms have 10 hearts but no eyes?
We have also been doing a lot of learning about spiders and the children have been practising their threading skills to make their own spider webs.