Mental Health and Wellbeing
Our Mental Health Lead (MHL) is Mrs Anna Dean.
We are exceptionally proud that Roman Way Academy is a happy place to learn and to work. Promoting positive mental health and wellbeing for all our pupils, parents, staff and governors is very important to us. If any member of our school community needs support, we are here to listen and to help. Please come and talk to us or email us at if you would like to arrange a meeting. We are happy to meet with parents in person or virtually if this is preferred.
We encourage all children to identify their 'trusted adults' both in and out of school. We encourage children to speak to their trusted adults to talk through any worries or concerns they may have. We also have 'worry boxes' in class where children can write down their worry to share this with adult and get support.
A key approach used in our school is Zones of Regulation. This approach helps children to recognise their emotions and choose strategies that help them to self-regulate. Watch our video presentation on: Zones of Regulation.
We are delighted to be working with the Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust's SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) Mental Health Support Team (MHST). This is an early intervention service, using proactive strategies to support mild to moderate mental health difficulties and behaviours that challenge. An information leaflet on this can be downloaded below.
Below are some links you may find useful:
WithYouth: online support for children experiencing mental ill health and/or emotional distress
Lumi Nova: gaming app to help children manage fears and anxieties
CAMHS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Herts)
Young Minds: fighting for young people's mental health
Cosmic Kids on You Tube: Yoga, Mindfulness & Relaxation
BBC Moodbusters - videos to reinvigorate and build resilience