Hedgehogs (Year 2)
Year 2 Summer 2024 Curriculum Overview
This term our topic is From Field to Fork.
Subject |
Teaching and Learning |
Parental Involvement- We encourage parents to choose at least one activity for each subject to support your child in their learning. |
Maths |
The children will learn about fractions where they will recognise and find ½, ¼, 1/3 and ¾ of amounts and shapes. They will also learn to read o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to and 5-minute intervals times on analogue clocks. In statistics, they will make, draw and interpret tally charts, pictograms and block graphs. They will also learn to describe positions, turns and movement.
-ICT Maths games (Time): ICT Games -BBC Bitesize Data & Statistics -BBC Bitesize Movement and Turns |
English |
English objectives will be covered through a variety of high-quality texts that will spark the pupils’ interest. The texts will cover poetry, fiction and non-fiction. This term the children will write a recount, instructions in form of a recipe, a narrative and a non-chronological report. They will write poems on a theme. The children will learn skills to read aloud stories and poems, create story maps, do storytelling through drama and role-play and write in role. The children will learn grammar and punctuation discretely. |
Reading |
The children will be reading a variety of different types of books in their reading practice sessions that they have at school. They will have 3 sessions a week where we focus on using phonics knowledge to decode the words, read aloud with expression and then comprehension to show what they have understood from the text. The children will then bring home with them the book they have read in class to practise reading it again at home with you. |
Science |
Living things and their habitats & Living things and their habitats around the world This term the children will explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive by thinking about life processes. They will identify and compare different habitats, describe how habitats provide for the basic needs of different animals and plants. They will also name different plants and animals found in different habitats and microhabitats. They will learn how these habitats provide for the basic needs of these living things.
Computing |
This term, the children will learn to enter information on a spreadsheet. Then they will learn coding where they will create and edit simple programs using code blocks.
RE |
How do some people talk to God? This term the children will describe what prayer means, identify some reasons why people might pray and identify some similarities and differences between the ways in which people pray. They will look at why special objects and items of clothing are important to some people when they pray. They will draw connections between prayer practices within the Hindu, Muslim and Jewish worldviews.
Here is some key vocabulary we will be using with the children this term. It would be helpful to talk through these words with your child at home: Allah, Brahman, communicate, deity, mandir, mosque, prayer, puja Qur'an, scripture, shrine etc
Art |
Sculpture and 3D – Clay Houses The children will explore the way clay can be shaped and joined and use a range of essential skills for working with this medium. They will learn about the sculpture of Rachel Whiteread and create their own clay house tile in response.
D&T |
Structures – Constructing a windmill The children will identify some features that they would like to include in their design. They will then make stable structures, which will eventually support the turbine using card, tape and glue. They will make functioning turbines and axles that are assembled into the main supporting structure. Finally, they will say what is good about their windmill and what they could do better. |
This term the children are learning about ‘Relationships and ‘Changing Me’ where they will learn to recognise and appreciate people who them in their family, school and the community and also cope with changes and identify what they are looking forward to when they move up next year. |
Here is some key vocabulary we will be using with the children this term. It would be helpful to talk through these words with your child at home: Relationship: cooperate, conflict, point of view, good secret, worry secrets, compliments Changing me: change, respect, appearance, male, female, private, penis, testicles, vagina
History |
Pupils will compare Royston now and, in the past, focusing on changes in the landscape and settlement. They will also explore changes in food, farming tools and transport over the years. |
Geography |
The children will identify the different types of farming and the features of farms and fields. They will learn about the food produced in the UK and locate where different foods are grown around the world. |
Visit the BBC bitesize website and find some facts about food and farming: Food and Farming
PE |
Target Games- They will develop the skills of throwing, rolling and striking towards a target. Striking and Fielding- In this unit the children will develop their understanding of the principles of defending (fielding) and attacking (batting). They will be using skills such as throwing, catching, tracking and striking a ball. They will learn to score points in these types of games using simple tactics and by abiding to the rules. Athletics – The children will be running at different speeds, jumping and throwing equipment. They will also measure their performance and compete to improve their own score against others. Swimming – The pupils will learn about water safety and enjoyment of being in the water. They will learn to travel with a float and submerge with increasing confidence. They will begin to learn to use legs and arms to propel them through water. |
Staying active at home will support your child’s progress in PE. Here are some links to follow for some ideas:
This half term, the children will do two units called: Swing-a-long with Shostakovich & Charlie Chaplin. In the first unit the pupils will feel patterns of beats in their bodies, swinging in time with a partner and marking the beat using simple body percussion patterns. In the second unit they will compose a soundtrack to a slip of a silent film and understand and use notes and dynamics of different duration
In the next half term, they will learn about a unit called: Tańczymy labada which focusses on internalising a sense of pulse through singing games. The pupils will sing confidently in Polish and play an accompaniment on tuned percussion. They will begin to understand how music helps people share tradition and culture.
Read about playing and performing music on the BBC Bitesize website: Performing Music