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Puffins (Year 3/4)

Our guide to puffins | Nature | National Trust
Photo credit: National Trust

Summer Curriculum Overview Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and 4) 

This term our topic is Ancient Greece.



Teaching and Learning 

Parental Involvement 


Year 3  

This term, the children will be continuing to learn about mass and capacity. They will also be exploring how to add and subtract fractions and solve a range of fraction problems. Children will be learning how to tell the time to 5 minutes and to the minute as well as exploring different amounts of hours, days, months and years. 


Year 4  

This term the children will be focussing on understanding and using decimals. This will include ordering, converting from fractions and using decimals when dividing. They will also be exploring time, money, shape and coordinates.  

Encourage your child to learn to tell the time on an analogue and digital clock. 


Practise writing numbers in Roman numerals. Can you write calculations in Roman numerals? 


Your child can practise times tables on TT Rock-stars. Also test them when you’re in the car or walking to school. Little and often makes a big difference! There are lots of fun games and songs available online too. 


This term, the children will be look at a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. In Summer 1, the children will be writing playscripts based on the book ‘Leo and Gorgon’s Curse’ by Joe Todd-Stanton. The children will be focusing on using prepositions (e.g. next to, towards, beneath) and conjunctions expressing time, place and cause. The children will also be writing Tetractys poetry and a piece of persuasive writing.  

In Summer 2, we will be writing a myths and legends story and a non-chronological report. The children will learn to use some descriptive techniques such as using ‘-ing’ phrases or ‘-ed’ starters as well as apostrophes for plural possession and fronted adverbials. 

Find ways for your children to write for a purpose e.g. write a letter to a relative, write a shopping list or a story based on their favourite toy. 


During guided reading sessions, the children will all read the same text and discuss the text using VIPERS skills (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explain, retrieve, summarise/sequence). 

Please listen to your child read at least 3 times per week. Children who read regularly at home make the most progress, not just in reading, but right across the curriculum. Please ask us if you need any support. 


In the first half term, children will be learning about plants. They will be identifying the parts of the plant that are used for photosynthesis as well as the process of seed dispersal and how plants reproduce. The children will also be setting up their own experiment and collecting and explaining the results. 


In the second half term, the children will be studying living things and their habitats looking at different habitats, understanding how animals can be classified and how adaptations have occurred within different species. 

View videos: Reproduction in Plants on BBC Bitesize and Pollination and Seed Dispersal  with your child and take part in the quizzes.  

Could you grow any flowers or plants in your garden or in your house and discuss what a plant needs in order to grow? 

View videos: What is classification? and How to classify plants and animals on BBC Bitesize about classification.  


Summer 1 

Year 3 will be learning about what a spreadsheet is, how to collect and input data and how to show the data in different formats e.g. pie chart. 


Year 4 will be learning to format cells as currency, percentage, decimal to different decimal places or fraction., to use the ‘formula wizard’ to calculate averages and to combine tools to make spreadsheet activities such as timed times tables tests. 


Summer 2 

Both year groups will learn how to use a computer program to create music. 

Your child can access Purple Mash on a device a home. Please ask us if you do not have their log in. Purple Mash will be used for all computing lessons this term. 


Year 3 will be learning the names of different musical instruments using the correct determiners (un/le or une/la). We will learn to use these words in sentences starting with Je joue... (I play). Year 4 will be learning to name different items of clothing and will also focus on using correct determiners (including ma/mon/mes for my). We will learn to say what we are wearing using the sentence starter: Je porte... 

After half term, Year 3 will be learning to talk about their family members in French and Year 4 will be learning to talk about different rooms in a home. 

Have a look at these useful links with your child: 

Year 3: 

You Tube: Musical Instruments in French 

Year 4: 

BBC Bitesize - Clothes in French 



The children will continue practising their drawing skills by shading to create 3D images. They will use a range of techniques e.g. cutting, arranging, folding to create large piece of artwork as a group. 

Why not create your own prints using a range of materials and make a patterned piece of art? This could be on made on paper or fabric. 


The children will be in small groups designing and constructing their own castle. Children will be using different folding and joining techniques to make their castles. 

Junk modelling at home is a great way to get creative and practise joining techniques. 


The children will be learning about life in ancient Greece and how many of the things developed during this period are still used in modern day. The children will learn about some of the city states developed in ancient Greece and the similarities and differences between them. They will look at democracy, the Olympics, the battle of Marathon, the development of medicine and mathematics, as well as art, literature and poetry. 

The children will be using their historical skills to ask and answer questions, look at different types of sources and artefacts and discuss the reliability and usefulness of each source. 

Look at some of the ancient Greek myths with your children. Have they heard any before? Explore the Nat Geo, BBC and British Museum websites.  

If possible, visit a museum or read some books about the ancient Greeks. 


The children will be taking part in both team and individual sports. They will learn how to play cricket/ rounders and new skills in athletics, ready for sports day. 

Each lesson will focus on a new skill which the children will develop over the term. 

If your child is active and sporty out of school, we would love to hear about it! Feel free to share photos (email to office) as we will display these on our Sports Noticeboard. Please note that photos must be of your child only. 


The children will be exploring morality and beliefs.  

In Year 3, children will be exploring water's crucial role in sustaining life, its symbolic use in rituals and as a symbol of purity. They will be examining the practice of baptism, rituals and ceremonies, reflecting on water’s deep symbolism and considering why water is considered precious in various cultures and religions. 

In Year 4, children will be using historical skills and knowledge to explore how the Christian Bible that exists today has developed. They will find out about how some Christians use their Bibles and present their ideas as marketers of the Bible. 

Year 3 watch and read more about Baptism. 


Year 4 watch and read more about The Bible. 




We follow the Jigsaw approach and this term the children are learning about ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing me.’ The PSHE ethos remains at the core of our curriculum. 

Here is some key vocabulary we will be using with the children this term. It would be helpful to talk through these words with your child at home. 


Y3: friendship, responsibilities, global citizen 

 Y4: transition, resilience, loss, puberty 


The children will be learning to sing and play the ‘Doot, Doot song’ which has a summery and relaxed swing feel. It is based on a typical song structure and uses C major, A minor, and F major chords. The children will develop technical skills on tuned percussion, learn about chords, ‘doodle’ (improvise) with their voices and experience playing in a class band. Playing, singing, and improvising is supported by listening to, and appraising music based around the acoustic guitar, comparing and contrasting different artists’ styles. 

Have a look at the activities here: 

How do we talk about music?