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Our Approach to Writing

How we teach, learn and assess Writing at Roman Way Academy

In EYFS, children are taught the skills that will enable them to become writers, starting with mark making and moving on to holding a pencil and learning how to form the letters. Different genres of writing are introduced and modelled as part of their learning in phonics, reading practice and literacy. A variety of opportunities are provided for the children to engage in mark making, writing and fine and gross motor activities both indoors and outdoors. The children are supported in this during their independent play by the adults in the setting.

Children also develop their communication, language, and literacy skills from both adult led and child-initiated activities on cross curricular themes.

In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, children have daily English sessions. Over the year, we expose the children to a variety of genres and text types and teach composition, transcription, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. Children produce at least one piece of extended writing for each unit. In KS1, we begin to teach pupils to draft and edit a section of their work following teacher feedback. In KS2, wherever and whenever possible, we encourage pupils to edit their writing and draft and redraft, as these are important skills which they will need as independent writers.

From Year 1 onwards, children also have ‘Rocket Writing’ sessions on a 2-weekly cycle. In the first week, the pupils are provided with a writing stimulus and all children are encouraged to write as independently as possible. The aim is to provide an exciting and enjoyable extended writing experience where children are encouraged to use the writing skills learnt during their English lessons and SPAG lessons and develop their writing stamina. In the second week, whole class feedback is provided to celebrate success and highlight next steps to improve their writing. This feedback can be through modelling, discussion or teaching a specific skill. The pupils edit and improve their work from the previous week.

This cycle allows us to see progress and highlights any arising issues. Because of its independent nature, it also allows us to assess ongoing individual progression of the range of writing skills.


We strive to ensure that our children make at least expected progress from their starting points in all areas of the curriculum.

In EYFS, children's progress in writing is monitored through observations and adult led work. Next steps are modelled with children and recorded for all staff to reinforce.

In KS1 and KS2, children are given immediate feedback in lessons in response to formative assessment and this then informs planning for the next lesson.

Teachers are expected to feedback daily and provide next steps for children’s writing where necessary. This can be verbal or written feedback. Children will be asked to correct a maximum of three misspelt key words or common exception words in one piece of writing. For end of unit pieces, a learning checklist is stuck into each child’s English book to remind them of what needs to be included. The learning checklist may be used for self-assessment or peer assessment, as well as teacher assessment. Children edit their writing using a ‘purple polish’ pen.

Writing is assessed against the National Curriculum standards and outcomes and the end of KS1 Teacher Assessment Framework. Summative assessments are recorded termly on Insight (an online assessment tool).