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How  we teach, learn and assess Mathematics at Roman Way Academy

Mathematics teaches us how to make sense of the world around us through developing a child’s ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment.

Maths National Curriculum

How do we teach Maths in Reception?

Mathematics is one of the seven areas of learning covered during the Early Years Foundation Stage. Children are taught using the NCTEM mastering number scheme. Children learn and consolidate their understanding of numbers to 10 inside and outside the classroom. Specific child-initiated activities are set up to support and challenge children in Maths. The White Rose Maths scheme is used to teach shape, space and measure.

How do we teach Maths in KS1 and KS2?

Maths is taught using the White Rose Maths scheme. This scheme allows children to build upon their learning each year and develop confidence and fluency with numbers and the number system. Children deepen and broaden their learning through a range of problem-solving and reasoning tasks. Daily lessons encourage a growth mindset where all children can feel challenged.

How do we assess in Maths?

Children are assessed daily through live marking, teacher feedback and whole class feedback. Teachers are constantly assessing children's understanding using a range of assessment techniques throughout the lessons, e.g:

  • Show me the answer on your whiteboard;
  • Thumbs up or down? True or False? Do you agree or disagree?;
  • Can you explain your method? Which method is most efficient and why?;
  • Can you spot the mistake? Can you spot a pattern?

Children in years 1 to 4 sit termly NFER or SAT papers. These give the teacher a standardised score of the children's maths knowledge. Teachers identify gaps in knowledge and plan to address these through early morning work, homework, additional lessons and/or interventions.

Maths - important information and links:

Year 4 multiplication times table check guidance White Rose Maths

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